


So I heard that some people are calling this month ‘Snow-vember’! We’ve been thinking about our friends in New York State and hoping that everyone stays safe with all that snow.

Since my mom is Canadian, and since I was born there and we lived there, I feel like a bit of an expert on snow! So I thought I’d give you a few tips to keep active in the cold and snow. These are my top tips:

1. Dress in layers! A nice long sleeve t-shirt or other light shirt, plus a sweater or active shirt, a sweater, active shirt or maybe fleece, a warm jacket… Don’t just wear 1 jacket if it’s cold. Layers keep you nice and warm, can wick away sweat (which can make you cold after), and you can peel off a layer or two if you start warming up.

2. Check the temperature AND the wind chill! If there’s any wind, it can make things WAY colder than you think.

3. Find a hat that you like and wear it. (I hate wearing hats but there are some pretty cool ones to choose from these days.) You lose a lot of heat from your noggin. Plus you’ll protect your ears.

4. Have good mittens and socks… and a warm boots! (I hate the feeling of cold snow on my ankles!) Fingers and toes get cold super quick!

5. Drink water! Yep, we still sweat and can get dehydrated in the winter.

You can still be super active in the winter. And helping your family or your neighbours with shovelling snow is awesome exercise.  Be safe and have fun!





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