Keeping the fun in sports. (This guy is awesome!)

Hey! I’ve got something to show you. Sue sent this youtube video to us, and I’ve got to tell you, it’s pretty amazing.

This guy, John O’Sullivan, is a coach who started the ‘Changing the Game Project’. He noticed that kids were dropping out of sports by the time they got to be my age, and even younger. (I notice that too.) He wants to put the fun back in youth sports.

You might even want to get your folks or whoever you hang out with to watch it too.

Luckily, my folks don’t push me to play or run (I like to motivate myself), or criticize my game when I’m playing tennis. But I’ve seen parents and coaches be really tough on their kids. I can see why they don’t want to play anymore.

Like I said in ‘Balance It Out‘, you’ve got to have fun being active.

If you want to learn more about Changing the Game Project, check it out at

Oh yeah, want to know what a TED Talk is? ‘TED’ stands for ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’ but today, TED Talks can be about just about anything as long as they share ideas to help make the world a better place. John O’Sullivan’s talk is super inspiring.

(Almost time for recess!)

See you soon!



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