A lesson from the big blue guy


Haha, Sue just sent me this clip. I’ve gotta say, I love the way Cookie Monster talks (especially when he says “delayed gratification”). It cracks me up.

Have you seen Tom Hiddleston in the movie ‘The Avengers’? He’s cool.

Something about Cookie Monster makes me feel nostalgic! Back when I was a little kid, I got a kick out of how the Cookie Monster shoved cookies in his mouth like crazy. It was always hilarious. Not smart, but hilarious. And I get it: I love cookies too.

That’s why this is a great clip. It’s the classic Cookie Monster from our childhood – but smarter. And healthier too. This video makes a good point: sometimes it’s good to wait to have that treat, even for a few minutes.  Are you really hungry? Have you had a cookie (or whatever) already? Taking just a minute to think about what we’re shoving in our mouths (before we do it) sounds like a good idea to me.

Enjoy the video and see you soon!



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